Top Ruby Quotes

  • A few fires flickered, plumes of dark smoke marring the ruby sky. – Sarah J Maas

    A few fires flickered, plumes of dark smoke marring the ruby sky.– Sarah J Maas

  • Every time you hear a car alarm, Ruby said, another New Yorker has gone to hell. – Tom Spanbauer

    Every time you hear a car alarm, Ruby said, another New Yorker has gone to hell.– Tom Spanbauer

  • It was quite apparent that he’d been bestowed all the charms of any handsomely clad rake. A demeanor to match, Ruby thought. – Jettie Necole

    It was quite apparent that he’d been bestowed all the charms of any handsomely clad rake. A demeanor to match, Ruby thought.– Jettie Necole

  • Ruby knew then that a lie could only control a person if they believed it. – Cynthia Bond

    Ruby knew then that a lie could only control a person if they believed it.– Cynthia Bond

  • A moment later, Liam’s bright blue eyes opened, and he was seeing me. He just wasn’t seeing Ruby. – Alexandra Bracken

    A moment later, Liam’s bright blue eyes opened, and he was seeing me. He just wasn’t seeing Ruby.– Alexandra Bracken

  • Do you follow the wrestling? Most people think it’s illegal, but you can watch it there. Ruby and Python are on display this evening. – Samuel R Delany

    Do you follow the wrestling? Most people think it’s illegal, but you can watch it there. Ruby and Python are on display this evening.– Samuel R Delany

  • No ruby slippers here, just a lot of supernatural jackassess. – Heather Fleener

    No ruby slippers here, just a lot of supernatural jackassess.– Heather Fleener

  • Did you once own ruby slippers, and did a house fall on your head? You’re a daft little munchkin. – Heather Fleener

    Did you once own ruby slippers, and did a house fall on your head? You’re a daft little munchkin.– Heather Fleener

  • His ruby red rimmed moist eyes were two glasses of cranberry. He wore a cashmere sweater the color of Earl Grey tea… – Brandi L Bates

    His ruby red rimmed moist eyes were two glasses of cranberry. He wore a cashmere sweater the color of Earl Grey tea…– Brandi L Bates

  • Looking through the ruby glass one cannot see the true colour of the sky. – Lara Biyuts

    Looking through the ruby glass one cannot see the true colour of the sky.– Lara Biyuts