Top S Quotes

  • Is it beautiful?--œReally weird. But don’t get hung up on the angels. They’re mostly ???????s. – Ian Tregillis

    Is it beautiful?--œReally weird. But don’t get hung up on the angels. They’re mostly ???????s.– Ian Tregillis

  • I think if a man beats you and ????s half the women he sees and no one will help you, axing him isn’t the least understandable thing you can do. – Dennis Lehane

    I think if a man beats you and ????s half the women he sees and no one will help you, axing him isn’t the least understandable thing you can do.– Dennis Lehane

  • As J. B. S. Haldane said when asked what evidence might contradict evolution, ‘Fossil rabbits in the Precambrian. – Richard Dawkins

    As J. B. S. Haldane said when asked what evidence might contradict evolution, ‘Fossil rabbits in the Precambrian.– Richard Dawkins

  • Megan loves ??????s so much, she would not hesitate to steal yours. – Roy Station

    Megan loves ??????s so much, she would not hesitate to steal yours.– Roy Station

  • Lonely, Vaguely Pedophilic Swing Set Seeks the ????s of Children. – John Green

    Lonely, Vaguely Pedophilic Swing Set Seeks the ????s of Children.– John Green

  • He is the biggest ??????? on the planet,- Jarod says. -œAnd in a planet that’s currently drowning in ???????s, that’s saying a lot. – Siobhan Davis

    He is the biggest ??????? on the planet,- Jarod says. -œAnd in a planet that’s currently drowning in ???????s, that’s saying a lot.– Siobhan Davis

  • Aging gracefully – A concept that is rejected in 40s, but gracefully accepted in 50s… – Sandhya Jane

    Aging gracefully – A concept that is rejected in 40s, but gracefully accepted in 50s…– Sandhya Jane

  • Aging gracefully – A that is rejected in 40s, but gracefully accepted in 50s… – Sandhya Jane

    Aging gracefully – A that is rejected in 40s, but gracefully accepted in 50s…– Sandhya Jane

  • You can’t even begin to fathom the amount of ????s I do not give about what you want. – Ella Dominguez

    You can’t even begin to fathom the amount of ????s I do not give about what you want.– Ella Dominguez

  • The man was great, but no man was great enough to sever a friendship between her and one of her girls. Chicks before ????s, and all that. – Katee Robert

    The man was great, but no man was great enough to sever a friendship between her and one of her girls. Chicks before ????s, and all that.– Katee Robert