Top Scars Quotes

  • One cannot fight for so long without the scars building on one’s soul. – JA London

    One cannot fight for so long without the scars building on one’s soul.– JA London

  • He is a true casualty of battle. There’s not a physical scar, but look at the man’s heart, and his head, and there are scars galore. – David Finkel

    He is a true casualty of battle. There’s not a physical scar, but look at the man’s heart, and his head, and there are scars galore.– David Finkel

  • He is a true casualty of battle. There’s not a physical scar, but look at the man’s heart, and his head, and there are scars galore.– David Finkel

  • If you think your scars bother me, you’re wrong. In my eyes, you’re a hero. Your scars are just proof of that. – Pamela Clare

    If you think your scars bother me, you’re wrong. In my eyes, you’re a hero. Your scars are just proof of that.– Pamela Clare

  • Wounds are wounds. Scars are scars. They can heal but not vanish. – DN Joshi

    Wounds are wounds. Scars are scars. They can heal but not vanish.– DN Joshi

  • We live with the scars we choose. – Shannon L Alder

    We live with the scars we choose.– Shannon L Alder

  • Beauty is not the flawless perfection of youth, but the fine lines, scars, and wisdom which only living can give you. – Reyna Pryde

    Beauty is not the flawless perfection of youth, but the fine lines, scars, and wisdom which only living can give you.– Reyna Pryde

  • The scars are just something that happened to me. They aren’t me. Not anymore. – Amy Engel

    The scars are just something that happened to me. They aren’t me. Not anymore.– Amy Engel

  • It is easy to display a wound, the proud scars of combat. It is hard to show a pimple – Leonard Cohen

    It is easy to display a wound, the proud scars of combat. It is hard to show a pimple– Leonard Cohen

  • At the cross, Jesus subjects himself to disability, and his resurrected body continues to bear his scars as a sign of God’s solidarity with humanity. – Thomas E Reynolds

    At the cross, Jesus subjects himself to disability, and his resurrected body continues to bear his scars as a sign of God’s solidarity with humanity.– Thomas E Reynolds