Top Seas Quotes

  • The spring which moved my energies lay far away beyond seas, in an Indian isle. – Charlotte Bront

    The spring which moved my energies lay far away beyond seas, in an Indian isle.– Charlotte Bront

  • Every child knows its mother, Dany thought. When the seas go dry and the mountains blow in the wind like leaves. – George RR Martin

    Every child knows its mother, Dany thought. When the seas go dry and the mountains blow in the wind like leaves.– George RR Martin

  • . . .for in natures, as in seas, depth answers unto depth – Charles ens

    . . .for in natures, as in seas, depth answers unto depth– Charles ens

  • Rivers, water streams, water falls, water lakes, seas and oceans confirm Your creativity. – Euginia Herlihy

    Rivers, water streams, water falls, water lakes, seas and oceans confirm Your creativity.– Euginia Herlihy

  • This earth is His, to Him belong those vast and boundless skies;Both seas within Him rest, and yet in that small pool He lies. – Atharvaveda

    This earth is His, to Him belong those vast and boundless skies;Both seas within Him rest, and yet in that small pool He lies.– Atharvaveda

  • love riddeni searched for youin corridors,open doorsand in endless seas of similesand metaphorsbut we never were on the same page. – KY Robinson

    love riddeni searched for youin corridors,open doorsand in endless seas of similesand metaphorsbut we never were on the same page.– KY Robinson

  • love riddeni searched for youin corridors,open doorsand in endless seas of similesand metaphorsbut we never were on the same page.– KY Robinson

  • God did not ordain that the church should drift aimlessly in the seas of uncertainty without comp???, captain, or crew. – Billy Graham

    God did not ordain that the church should drift aimlessly in the seas of uncertainty without comp???, captain, or crew.– Billy Graham

  • I love to sail forbidden seas and land on barbarous coasts. – Herman Melville

    I love to sail forbidden seas and land on barbarous coasts.– Herman Melville

  • I love to sail forbidden seas, and land on barbarous coasts. – Herman Melville

    I love to sail forbidden seas, and land on barbarous coasts.– Herman Melville