Top Self Quotes
A selfie is a proof that either we are very lonely or too self absorbed to ask others to take our picture.– Saru Singhal
Self acceptance is pure power.– Amy Leigh Mercree
What other goal could there be, then finding one’s self within God and God within one’s very Self? For as we know God, we also are known.– Vivian Amis
Love emancipates you from prison of envy and jealousyIt makes u invisible to hatred and oblivious of self– irrfan ishaq
Why do we put our self esteem in the hands of complete strangers? – Helena Bonham Carter
You’re gon’ have to say to your self, am I gon’ believe what them fools say about me today?– Kathryn Stockett
You’re gon’ have to say to your self, am I gon’ believe what them fools say about me today?– Kathryn Stockett
Perfection is that to inspired with your self– Sab Sabi