Top Selfcompassion Quotes

  • When we practice self-compassion in our lives, we are compelled to be more understanding and accepting toward ourselves. – Jose Incer

    When we practice self-compassion in our lives, we are compelled to be more understanding and accepting toward ourselves.– Jose Incer

  • Getting stuck in the past and whining about who had hurt us hampers our personal growth and submerges us in the sea of self-compassion. – Balroop Singh

    Getting stuck in the past and whining about who had hurt us hampers our personal growth and submerges us in the sea of self-compassion.– Balroop Singh

  • Awakening self-compassion is often the greatest challenge people face on the spiritual path. – Tara Brach

    Awakening self-compassion is often the greatest challenge people face on the spiritual path.– Tara Brach

  • With mindfulness, loving kindness, and self-compassion, we can begin to let go of our expectations about how life and those we love should be. – Sharon Salzberg

    With mindfulness, loving kindness, and self-compassion, we can begin to let go of our expectations about how life and those we love should be.– Sharon Salzberg