Top Selfishness Quotes

  • We all should rise, above the clouds of ignorance, narrowness, and selfishness. – Booker T Washington

    We all should rise, above the clouds of ignorance, narrowness, and selfishness.– Booker T Washington

  • Ugly doesn’t have a color. It lives among selfishness and hate – Ginger Scott

    Ugly doesn’t have a color. It lives among selfishness and hate– Ginger Scott

  • Lust, anger, attachment, greed, over pride be,Jealousy, selfishness, injustice, cruelty, ego truly;- 153 – – Munindra Misra

    Lust, anger, attachment, greed, over pride be,Jealousy, selfishness, injustice, cruelty, ego truly;- 153 –– Munindra Misra

  • The snowball of selfishness quickly becomes an avalanche. – Angela Lynne Craig

    The snowball of selfishness quickly becomes an avalanche.– Angela Lynne Craig

  • The true essence of greatness is in finding self in selfishness – Mayur Ramgir

    The true essence of greatness is in finding self in selfishness– Mayur Ramgir

  • As you can see marriage is about putting away selfishness and taking on the concept of teamwork. – Jim George

    As you can see marriage is about putting away selfishness and taking on the concept of teamwork.– Jim George

  • The Bible warns us against greed and selfishness, it does encourage frugality and thrift. – Billy Graham

    The Bible warns us against greed and selfishness, it does encourage frugality and thrift.– Billy Graham

  • When Christ’s love fills our hearts, it puts selfishness on the run. – Billy Graham

    When Christ’s love fills our hearts, it puts selfishness on the run.– Billy Graham

  • Avoiding pain causes endless suffering for you and others. Avoiding pain is really selfishness. – Bryant McGill

    Avoiding pain causes endless suffering for you and others. Avoiding pain is really selfishness.– Bryant McGill

  • It is in fact the height of selfishness to merely consume what others create and to retreat into a shell of limited goals and immediate pleasures. – Robert Greene

    It is in fact the height of selfishness to merely consume what others create and to retreat into a shell of limited goals and immediate pleasures.– Robert Greene