Top Shows Quotes

  • You certainly believe in the power of love. And throughout the series, you see how love shows itself in ways that mirror the best of who we are. – Moutasem Algharati

    You certainly believe in the power of love. And throughout the series, you see how love shows itself in ways that mirror the best of who we are.– Moutasem Algharati

  • Love from the heart shows itself in meekness and not in tumultuous drumbeats. – Kristian Goldmund Aumann

    Love from the heart shows itself in meekness and not in tumultuous drumbeats.– Kristian Goldmund Aumann

  • …summer softens lines that winter cruelly shows… – John Geddes

    …summer softens lines that winter cruelly shows…– John Geddes

  • We live in a world where you can be put to death for your belief and shows how humanity judges in a dreadful motif. – Stanley Victor Paskavich

    We live in a world where you can be put to death for your belief and shows how humanity judges in a dreadful motif.– Stanley Victor Paskavich

  • A good leader is one who reveals to you your own potential and then inspires and shows you how to reach your potential. – Debasish Mridha

    A good leader is one who reveals to you your own potential and then inspires and shows you how to reach your potential.– Debasish Mridha

  • I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness because it shows me the stars. – Og Mandino

    I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness because it shows me the stars.– Og Mandino

  • A student is engaging, attentive, notes details, and shows effort in learning. – Sandra M Michelle

    A student is engaging, attentive, notes details, and shows effort in learning.– Sandra M Michelle

  • The best comedy on earth shows up when an immoral person talks about the morals! – Mehmet Murat ildan

    The best comedy on earth shows up when an immoral person talks about the morals!– Mehmet Murat ildan

  • If death shows up before my last breathe, I swear I’ll kill death. – Uchenna Durugo

    If death shows up before my last breathe, I swear I’ll kill death.– Uchenna Durugo

  • The monitor presently shows the Windows Blue Screen of Death, though this does not alarm him, as the BSoD is the universal screen saver in Hell. – Robert Olen Butler

    The monitor presently shows the Windows Blue Screen of Death, though this does not alarm him, as the BSoD is the universal screen saver in Hell.– Robert Olen Butler