Top Signed Quotes

  • Love does not need true copies signed by a registrar of marriages. – Nilesh Rathod

    Love does not need true copies signed by a registrar of marriages.– Nilesh Rathod

  • An accident of birth had signed her death warrant.He could mark her name off his to-do list. – Linda Howard

    An accident of birth had signed her death warrant.He could mark her name off his to-do list.– Linda Howard

  • There is no question that engagement requires sacrifice, but that’s what we signed up for when we decided to become parents. – Bren Brown

    There is no question that engagement requires sacrifice, but that’s what we signed up for when we decided to become parents.– Bren Brown

  • The jury’s still out on your level of intellect. After all, you signed up with Evil Incorporated in the first place. – Katherine McIntyre

    The jury’s still out on your level of intellect. After all, you signed up with Evil Incorporated in the first place.– Katherine McIntyre

  • Maybe I needed sensitivity training. I once signed up for an anger management cl???, but the instructor pissed me off. – Darynda Jones

    Maybe I needed sensitivity training. I once signed up for an anger management cl???, but the instructor pissed me off.– Darynda Jones

  • I feel so sorry that many Christians live in bondage even though Jesus has signed their release form with His own blood. – Brother Yun

    I feel so sorry that many Christians live in bondage even though Jesus has signed their release form with His own blood.– Brother Yun

  • Her kiss could kill us, and my consent signed our death certificates, selfishly and without control. (Eric) – Shannon A Thompson

    Her kiss could kill us, and my consent signed our death certificates, selfishly and without control. (Eric)– Shannon A Thompson

  • The war that exists between you and God can be over quickly, and the peace treaty is signed in the blood of [God’s] Son Jesus Christ. – Billy Graham

    The war that exists between you and God can be over quickly, and the peace treaty is signed in the blood of [God’s] Son Jesus Christ.– Billy Graham

  • The turkeys I eat are raised on farms. They’re different. They’ve signed on the dotted line. – Lorrie Moore

    The turkeys I eat are raised on farms. They’re different. They’ve signed on the dotted line.– Lorrie Moore