Top Signifies Quotes

  • No language about God will ever be fully adequate to the burning mystery which it signifies. – Elizabeth Johnston

    No language about God will ever be fully adequate to the burning mystery which it signifies.– Elizabeth Johnston

  • There is a rest that comes when you live out of your sound. Silence is no longer something to be avoided. It signifies a soul at rest. – Suzette R Hinton

    There is a rest that comes when you live out of your sound. Silence is no longer something to be avoided. It signifies a soul at rest.– Suzette R Hinton

  • To write only according to the rules laid down by masterpieces signifies that one is not a master but a pupil. – David Shields

    To write only according to the rules laid down by masterpieces signifies that one is not a master but a pupil.– David Shields

  • Fighting physically signifies spiritual weakness. – Michael Bassey Johnson

    Fighting physically signifies spiritual weakness.– Michael Bassey Johnson

  • It is a matter of mere coincidence that there is often a real individual who corresponds with a celebrity, signifies them. – Johnny Rich

    It is a matter of mere coincidence that there is often a real individual who corresponds with a celebrity, signifies them.– Johnny Rich