Top Sleeps Quotes

  • Saving is a great habit but without investing and tracking, it just sleeps – Manoj Arora

    Saving is a great habit but without investing and tracking, it just sleeps– Manoj Arora

  • Dragons weep, Shadows leaps, King sleeps. Dragon takes, Shadows breaks, King wakes. – Megan Hietala

    Dragons weep, Shadows leaps, King sleeps. Dragon takes, Shadows breaks, King wakes.– Megan Hietala

  • Never mind the stillness -the deep sleeps to  – Nzm Hikmet

    Never mind the stillness -the deep sleeps to – Nzm Hikmet

  • Kings may usurp thrones, republics may be established, but the town scarcely stirs. Plassan sleeps while Paris fights. – mile Zola

    Kings may usurp thrones, republics may be established, but the town scarcely stirs. Plassan sleeps while Paris fights.– mile Zola

  • Enlightenment isn’t the end but the beginning, the start of a journey that a small group of people begun while the rest sleeps. – Robin Sacredfire

    Enlightenment isn’t the end but the beginning, the start of a journey that a small group of people begun while the rest sleeps.– Robin Sacredfire

  • Sleep’s what we need. It produces an emptiness in us into which sooner or later energies flow. – John Cage

    Sleep’s what we need. It produces an emptiness in us into which sooner or later energies flow.– John Cage

  • A man that sleeps all night wastes too much of life. – Larry McMurtry

    A man that sleeps all night wastes too much of life.– Larry McMurtry

  • A stranger sleeps next to me, like a stone beside another stone. – Mihail Sebastian

    A stranger sleeps next to me, like a stone beside another stone.– Mihail Sebastian

  • She sleeps like a cocoyam. A thing without senses. She sleeps like his mother, unplugged from the world. – Taiye Selasi

    She sleeps like a cocoyam. A thing without senses. She sleeps like his mother, unplugged from the world.– Taiye Selasi

  • What monster sleeps in the deep of your story? You need a monster. Without a monster there is no story. – Billy Marshall

    What monster sleeps in the deep of your story? You need a monster. Without a monster there is no story.– Billy Marshall