Top Slow Quotes

  • Lardo was getting on in years, and his big belly tended to slow him down a bit. – Sarah Weeks

    Lardo was getting on in years, and his big belly tended to slow him down a bit.– Sarah Weeks

  • Death can come slow. Death can come quick. If you’ve got one last breath, you better make the most of it. – AH Scott

    Death can come slow. Death can come quick. If you’ve got one last breath, you better make the most of it.– AH Scott

  • We learn to become more empathic when we slow down, become present, and are fully committed to understanding another person’s uniqueness. – Arthur P Ciaramicoli

    We learn to become more empathic when we slow down, become present, and are fully committed to understanding another person’s uniqueness.– Arthur P Ciaramicoli

  • Writing, is not a race. Is to distill the soul letter by letter in a slow and delicate process that will take years. – JE Negrete

    Writing, is not a race. Is to distill the soul letter by letter in a slow and delicate process that will take years.– JE Negrete

  • How slow can a mammal be and still have respiratory functions? – Neal Stephenson

    How slow can a mammal be and still have respiratory functions?– Neal Stephenson

  • Slow as your own dubious grace. – Joe Meno

    Slow as your own dubious grace.– Joe Meno

  • People are fast to revenge but slow to appreciate. – Timothy Mwirigi Culture

    People are fast to revenge but slow to appreciate.– Timothy Mwirigi Culture

  • One square yard of drag will slow a falling body almost twenty percent. – Dan Brown

    One square yard of drag will slow a falling body almost twenty percent.– Dan Brown

  • If your body is telling you to slow down, listen to it. If your body is saying you should keep going… then keep going. – Lynn Swan

    If your body is telling you to slow down, listen to it. If your body is saying you should keep going… then keep going.– Lynn Swan

  • I’m going to ???? you slow at first and then hard.- -”Bryce Van Der Linden (Exposed, Unbearable Passion, #3) – Scarlett Avery

    I’m going to ???? you slow at first and then hard.- -”Bryce Van Der Linden (Exposed, Unbearable Passion, #3)– Scarlett Avery