Top Spend Quotes
Guilt can weigh you down; like being bound in lead chains in a deep murky lake, making you spend the rest of your life gasping for air.– Brownell Landrum
We spend so much time bantering about the words when the real open conversations might very well be our actions. I worry about our rhetoric.– Anna Deavere Smith
Don’t spend a lifetime regretting the decisions that you made. Chances are, that someone else would have made them for you anyway.– Anthony T Hincks
Remind yourself daily to spend more time being interested then interesting.– Jason Jennings
Death. It is a strange stalker, one that we spend our whole lives running from, some more successful than others.– Alessandra Torre
Most people spend less time outside than prisoners.– JR Rim
You know? Ain’t it ironic how we live our entire lives without the luxury of time, only to spend an eternity in death.– Jason Medina
I think you spend too much time believing what other people see, rather than what you think.– Crescent
LOGAN: I think you spend too much time believing what other people see, rather than what you think.– Sam Crescent
People tend to spend so much time focusing on what they feel they can’t do, rather examining the true potential of what they can.– Mark W Boyer