Top Stake Quotes

  • You tug and strain like a young horse when it’s first tied up at the stake, whenever you are tied by your heartstrings. – Sigrid Undset

    You tug and strain like a young horse when it’s first tied up at the stake, whenever you are tied by your heartstrings.– Sigrid Undset

  • In choosing a hypothesis there is no virtue in being timid. I clearly would have been burned at the stake in another age. – Thomas Gold

    In choosing a hypothesis there is no virtue in being timid. I clearly would have been burned at the stake in another age.– Thomas Gold

  • I looked him in the eye. -œI will always love you.- Then I plunged the stake into his chest. – Richelle Mead

    I looked him in the eye. -œI will always love you.- Then I plunged the stake into his chest.– Richelle Mead

  • We would do our theology better if more was at stake in what we said. – John Piper

    We would do our theology better if more was at stake in what we said.– John Piper

  • Stake a claim on love. Believe in God. – Elizabeth B Knaus

    Stake a claim on love. Believe in God.– Elizabeth B Knaus

  • No matter how good a story is, there is more at stake in the telling. – Rabih Alameddine

    No matter how good a story is, there is more at stake in the telling.– Rabih Alameddine

  • Can’t you see, Amber? Losing you would be like a stake to my heart. – Jayde Scott

    Can’t you see, Amber? Losing you would be like a stake to my heart.– Jayde Scott

  • SPIDER: I guess you’ve got a point.	RAYNIEDAY: No, I’ve got a stake, LOL. – Mari Mancusi

    SPIDER: I guess you’ve got a point. RAYNIEDAY: No, I’ve got a stake, LOL.– Mari Mancusi

  • When nothing is at stake, everything’s a waste. – Crystal Woods

    When nothing is at stake, everything’s a waste.– Crystal Woods

  • One with God is always a majority. But many have been burned at the stake while the boats were being counted. Thomas Reed – HW Brands

    One with God is always a majority. But many have been burned at the stake while the boats were being counted. Thomas Reed– HW Brands