Top Stay Quotes
Whatever comes, let it come, what stays let stay, what goes let go.– Papaji
…[we] has left nothing durable to signalize his stay upon this planet.[we]eventually dies to the honest regret of [our] associates.– James Branch Cabell
The friend I can trust is the one who will let me have my death.The rest are actors who want me to stay and further the plot.– Adrienne Rich
When you set out, you were four. Six with friends who could not stay behind. Now you are one.– Erin Hunter
If you don’t know how to make fire you can ask someone or stay in the cold– Grant Walker
Things don’t ever stay the same. Natural beginnings come to natural or unnatural ends.– Kristin Cashore
I’ve learnt that eyes don’t change. No matter how old or beat up you get, your eyes stay the same.– Eloise Dyson
His eyes were the same colour as the sea in a postcard someone sends you when they love you, but not enough to stay.– Warsan Shire
You can see I have no will to stay away from you, no tolerance to live without you.– Amanda Lance