Top Stead Quotes

  • That was the nature of presents. You kept them in the giver’s stead. They were a small part of that person to keep. – Paul Magrs

    That was the nature of presents. You kept them in the giver’s stead. They were a small part of that person to keep.– Paul Magrs

  • The stubbornness of his character stood him now in good stead. He refused to consider himself defeated. – William Steig

    The stubbornness of his character stood him now in good stead. He refused to consider himself defeated.– William Steig

  • I go on the presumption that everyone’s full of shit until proven otherwise, and this usually serves me in good stead. – Dennis Lehane

    I go on the presumption that everyone’s full of shit until proven otherwise, and this usually serves me in good stead.– Dennis Lehane

  • The point at which things happen is a decision. In stead of focusing on yourself, focus on how you can help someone else. – Germany Kent

    The point at which things happen is a decision. In stead of focusing on yourself, focus on how you can help someone else.– Germany Kent