Top Stem Quotes

  • All business opportunities stem from someone else’s inability to resolve a simple and inevitable problem. – Carlos Ruiz Zafn

    All business opportunities stem from someone else’s inability to resolve a simple and inevitable problem.– Carlos Ruiz Zafn

  • Many grim tales stem from your green lands, and still deeds both noble and evil shall yet unfold there. – Robin Jarvis

    Many grim tales stem from your green lands, and still deeds both noble and evil shall yet unfold there.– Robin Jarvis

  • The bulk of suffering does not stem from ‘dreadful’ experiences but rather from frightening beliefs. – Abraham Low

    The bulk of suffering does not stem from ‘dreadful’ experiences but rather from frightening beliefs.– Abraham Low

  • Our emotions stem from our thoughts, redirect your thoughts to redirect your emotions. – Sam Owen

    Our emotions stem from our thoughts, redirect your thoughts to redirect your emotions.– Sam Owen

  • The most altruistic and sustainable philosophies fail before the brute brain stem imperative of self-interest. – Peter Watts

    The most altruistic and sustainable philosophies fail before the brute brain stem imperative of self-interest.– Peter Watts

  • Flower will not grow, if the stem doesn’t allow – Nayreil

    Flower will not grow, if the stem doesn’t allow– Nayreil

  • Our problems stem from our acceptance of this filthy, rotten system. – Dorothy Day

    Our problems stem from our acceptance of this filthy, rotten system.– Dorothy Day

  • Nearly all problems of human behavior stem from our failure to ensure that people live in environments that nurture their well-being. – Anthony Biglan

    Nearly all problems of human behavior stem from our failure to ensure that people live in environments that nurture their well-being.– Anthony Biglan

  • Many of our problems in US maternity care stem from the fact that we leave no room for recognizing when nature is smarter than we are. – Ina May Gaskin

    Many of our problems in US maternity care stem from the fact that we leave no room for recognizing when nature is smarter than we are.– Ina May Gaskin

  • All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone. – Blaise Pascal

    All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone.– Blaise Pascal