Top Strikes Quotes

  • When a man strikes another man, he better have a good reason. There is never a good reason for a man to strike a woman. – Dixie Waters

    When a man strikes another man, he better have a good reason. There is never a good reason for a man to strike a woman.– Dixie Waters

  • [T]hat’s the way of torturers of every age, to put the blame on the victim, especially when he strikes back. – Orson Scott Card

    [T]hat’s the way of torturers of every age, to put the blame on the victim, especially when he strikes back.– Orson Scott Card

  • Mastery is not something that strikes in an instant, like a thunderbolt, but a gathering power that moves steadily through time, like weather. – John Gardner

    Mastery is not something that strikes in an instant, like a thunderbolt, but a gathering power that moves steadily through time, like weather.– John Gardner

  • She exuded sexuality almost tangible, like ink obscuring the waters around the octopus before it strikes. – Travis Luedke

    She exuded sexuality almost tangible, like ink obscuring the waters around the octopus before it strikes.– Travis Luedke

  • It strikes me that perhaps this is part of what we are fighting to choose. Which pain to feel. – Ally Condie

    It strikes me that perhaps this is part of what we are fighting to choose. Which pain to feel.– Ally Condie

  • Evolution strikes me as infinitely more spiritually profound than Genesis. – Maggie Nelson

    Evolution strikes me as infinitely more spiritually profound than Genesis.– Maggie Nelson

  • When the urge to knock on a door strikes, it’s your soul’s desire for forward movement. So knock! – Nicole Leigh West

    When the urge to knock on a door strikes, it’s your soul’s desire for forward movement. So knock!– Nicole Leigh West

  • …and it strikes her, as she walks, that borders, like hatred, are exaggerated precisely because otherwise they would cease to exist altogether.  – Colum McCann

    …and it strikes her, as she walks, that borders, like hatred, are exaggerated precisely because otherwise they would cease to exist altogether. – Colum McCann

  • Pictures … flashed on her in sudden color, too much color, shocking color, the color that leaps out of black when lightning strikes at night. – Thomas Harris

    Pictures … flashed on her in sudden color, too much color, shocking color, the color that leaps out of black when lightning strikes at night.– Thomas Harris

  • You wish for what’s called wooing. This customary game, where the man shows the woman that resistance is impractical, strikes me as quite pointless. – Tara West

    You wish for what’s called wooing. This customary game, where the man shows the woman that resistance is impractical, strikes me as quite pointless.– Tara West