Top Structure Quotes

  • The wise teacher appears, not for the structure of the student; but for the freedom of the people. – Nikki Rowe

    The wise teacher appears, not for the structure of the student; but for the freedom of the people.– Nikki Rowe

  • We are the beauty of the world enveloped within the confines of a human structure: created out of love to love until the end of time. – JD Leisher

    We are the beauty of the world enveloped within the confines of a human structure: created out of love to love until the end of time.– JD Leisher

  • Madness, genius, originality – it’s all the same thing; it’s a breaking of our normal value structure and the substitution of another one. – Malcolm Bradbury

    Madness, genius, originality – it’s all the same thing; it’s a breaking of our normal value structure and the substitution of another one.– Malcolm Bradbury

  • Freedom without structure is its own slavery. – David Brooks

    Freedom without structure is its own slavery.– David Brooks

  • What mattered at fifty-eight was what had mattered at eighteen: breeding and good bone structure. – PD James

    What mattered at fifty-eight was what had mattered at eighteen: breeding and good bone structure.– PD James

  • [O]ur revolt was as much against the traditional black leadership structure as it was against segregation and discrimination. – John Lewis

    [O]ur revolt was as much against the traditional black leadership structure as it was against segregation and discrimination.– John Lewis

  • Love tone, rhythm, lyrical or melodic structure from heart to love! is the interlude of true love. – Auliq Ice

    Love tone, rhythm, lyrical or melodic structure from heart to love! is the interlude of true love.– Auliq Ice

  • The challenge is having a harmonized vision about management philosophy, capability, structure, and maturity in a digital organization. – Pearl  Zhu

    The challenge is having a harmonized vision about management philosophy, capability, structure, and maturity in a digital organization.– Pearl Zhu

  • Unlike most other world religions, Buddhism has never been too rigid in its structure. – Abhijit Naskar

    Unlike most other world religions, Buddhism has never been too rigid in its structure.– Abhijit Naskar

  • The psyche of some people, whether through innate structure or via adaption to personal experiences, is uniquely adept for absolute aloneness. – Kilroy J Oldster

    The psyche of some people, whether through innate structure or via adaption to personal experiences, is uniquely adept for absolute aloneness.– Kilroy J Oldster