Top Structured Quotes

  • Both God and goodness are structured upon a foundation which solicits the essentials of higher level logic -“ a part of holy-istic culture. – Priyavrat Thareja

    Both God and goodness are structured upon a foundation which solicits the essentials of higher level logic -“ a part of holy-istic culture.– Priyavrat Thareja

  • I wish I had the gift of religious faith. Sometimes I long to believe in a structured universe designed purposefully for mankind. – Adib Khan

    I wish I had the gift of religious faith. Sometimes I long to believe in a structured universe designed purposefully for mankind.– Adib Khan

  • To see a man slip on a banana skin is to see a rationally structured system suddenly translated into a whirling machine. – Marshall McLuhan

    To see a man slip on a banana skin is to see a rationally structured system suddenly translated into a whirling machine.– Marshall McLuhan

  • Because the eye has seen, thoughts are structured upon images and not upon ideas. – David Consuegra

    Because the eye has seen, thoughts are structured upon images and not upon ideas.– David Consuegra

  • Time is a structured perception of human brain on natural events. Eternity ain’t based on the human perception, but on perpetual cycle. – Toba Beta

    Time is a structured perception of human brain on natural events. Eternity ain’t based on the human perception, but on perpetual cycle.– Toba Beta

  • A person who doesn’t have a structured way of writing their goals will experience disorder, even in the comfort zone. – Onyi Anyado

    A person who doesn’t have a structured way of writing their goals will experience disorder, even in the comfort zone.– Onyi Anyado

  • Man will find his own structured words,which will transfigure his into immortal. – Toba Beta

    Man will find his own structured words,which will transfigure his into immortal.– Toba Beta

  • Spell is a structured words that creates miracles in mind. – Toba Beta

    Spell is a structured words that creates miracles in mind.– Toba Beta

  • Time is a structured perception towards observable changes. – Toba Beta

    Time is a structured perception towards observable changes.– Toba Beta

  • Human brain is structured to avoid any kind of refutation of one’s religious beliefs. – Abhijit Naskar

    Human brain is structured to avoid any kind of refutation of one’s religious beliefs.– Abhijit Naskar