Top Superior Quotes

  • The wisdom of cats is infinitely superior. – Hippolyte Taine

    The wisdom of cats is infinitely superior.– Hippolyte Taine

  • The way to get on with a cat is to treat it as an equal – or even better, as the superior it knows itself to be. – Elizabeth Peters

    The way to get on with a cat is to treat it as an equal – or even better, as the superior it knows itself to be.– Elizabeth Peters

  • Doing goodness, but doing goodness only is the best and the most superior religion of all the times! – Mehmet Murat ildan

    Doing goodness, but doing goodness only is the best and the most superior religion of all the times!– Mehmet Murat ildan

  • Never try to prove that you are right or superior. Let the Lord Himself fight for you – Sunday Adelaja

    Never try to prove that you are right or superior. Let the Lord Himself fight for you– Sunday Adelaja

  • Verily, there is no dishonor in death at the hands of a far superior enemy. – Wayne Gerard Trotman

    Verily, there is no dishonor in death at the hands of a far superior enemy.– Wayne Gerard Trotman

  • My sight, hearing and strength are superior and I can fly. What more do you want? – EM Cooper

    My sight, hearing and strength are superior and I can fly. What more do you want?– EM Cooper

  • Writers are a superior breed. No one else can face so much rejection and still thrive. – Susie Smith

    Writers are a superior breed. No one else can face so much rejection and still thrive.– Susie Smith

  • The mediocre leader tells. The good leader explains. The superior leader demonstrates. The great leader inspires. – Gary Patton

    The mediocre leader tells. The good leader explains. The superior leader demonstrates. The great leader inspires.– Gary Patton

  • We all agree that pessimism is a mark of superior intellect. – John Kenneth Galbraith

    We all agree that pessimism is a mark of superior intellect.– John Kenneth Galbraith

  • The Word of GOD is Superior to the inferior words of men and the words of every false prophet and the teachings of every false religion. – Errol Anthony Smythe

    The Word of GOD is Superior to the inferior words of men and the words of every false prophet and the teachings of every false religion.– Errol Anthony Smythe