Top Suspected Quotes

  • The internet: always proving that you’re not quite as special as you suspected. – Robin Sloan

    The internet: always proving that you’re not quite as special as you suspected.– Robin Sloan

  • I’ve watched you for a very long time now. And in this time, I’ve come to discover just as I first suspected. We are perfect for one another. – Paloma Beck

    I’ve watched you for a very long time now. And in this time, I’ve come to discover just as I first suspected. We are perfect for one another.– Paloma Beck

  • I suspected you were tired of looking for things you should have found a long time ago. ~ Jared – Julie Leto

    I suspected you were tired of looking for things you should have found a long time ago. ~ Jared– Julie Leto

  • If you have always suspected your sister of an inclination to madness, it will be my pleasure to confirm your worst fears. – Mary Balogh

    If you have always suspected your sister of an inclination to madness, it will be my pleasure to confirm your worst fears.– Mary Balogh

  • preemptive strike n.A blow or punch delivered by military aircraft to a target who is suspected of being adverse to one’s plot for world domination. – Leslie Starr OHara

    preemptive strike n.A blow or punch delivered by military aircraft to a target who is suspected of being adverse to one’s plot for world domination.– Leslie Starr OHara

  • The police, finding a corpse with twenty-eight stab wounds in a bathtub, suspected foul play. – Tim Kreider

    The police, finding a corpse with twenty-eight stab wounds in a bathtub, suspected foul play.– Tim Kreider

  • Problems that remain persistently insoluble should always be suspected as questions asked in the wrong way – Alan W Watts

    Problems that remain persistently insoluble should always be suspected as questions asked in the wrong way– Alan W Watts

  • o-¢cean (ˈōSHÉ™n) n. pl. -s. 1. The endless part of yourself you never knew but always suspected was there. [2015, Whittier] – Nicola Yoon

    o-¢cean (ˈōSHÉ™n) n. pl. -s. 1. The endless part of yourself you never knew but always suspected was there. [2015, Whittier]– Nicola Yoon

  • Since childhood I’d been suspected of imagination – Steve Aylett

    Since childhood I’d been suspected of imagination– Steve Aylett

  • FYI, it isn’t how I suspected. If you eat enough Cheetos you will NOT actually poop an extra-large Cheeto. – Felicia Day

    FYI, it isn’t how I suspected. If you eat enough Cheetos you will NOT actually poop an extra-large Cheeto.– Felicia Day