Top Suspension Quotes

  • Theatre is pure teleportation by means of suspension. It’s a voyage into the archives of the human imagination. A passport to all what ifs. – Natasha Tsakos

    Theatre is pure teleportation by means of suspension. It’s a voyage into the archives of the human imagination. A passport to all what ifs.– Natasha Tsakos

  • Love is the suspension of reality in favor of the sublime. – Jeffrey Fry

    Love is the suspension of reality in favor of the sublime.– Jeffrey Fry

  • that willing suspension of disbelief for the moment, which constitutes poetic faith – Samuel Taylor Coleridge

    that willing suspension of disbelief for the moment, which constitutes poetic faith– Samuel Taylor Coleridge

  • Smoke veils the air like souls in drifting suspension, declining the war’s insistence everyone move on. – Jayne Anne Phillips

    Smoke veils the air like souls in drifting suspension, declining the war’s insistence everyone move on.– Jayne Anne Phillips

  • Ego like bile over taste buds. Get it out or hold it in. It’s the suspension will drive you nuts, churn your gut. – Patrick Bryant

    Ego like bile over taste buds. Get it out or hold it in. It’s the suspension will drive you nuts, churn your gut.– Patrick Bryant