Top Taking Quotes

  • He’s better now, Loo. He’s taking care of the cats. – C JoyBell C

    He’s better now, Loo. He’s taking care of the cats.– C JoyBell C

  • Crafting a plan is easy. Taking action will always prove to be the more difficult path. – Camron Wright

    Crafting a plan is easy. Taking action will always prove to be the more difficult path.– Camron Wright

  • We can only bring changes by taking a position, and by our actions – Sunday Adelaja

    We can only bring changes by taking a position, and by our actions– Sunday Adelaja

  • Lord Chi Wen thought three times before taking any action. When the Master heard this, he said: Twice is plenty enough. – Confucius

    Lord Chi Wen thought three times before taking any action. When the Master heard this, he said: Twice is plenty enough.– Confucius

  • Getting information off the Internet is like taking a drink from a fire hydrant. – Mitchell Kapor

    Getting information off the Internet is like taking a drink from a fire hydrant.– Mitchell Kapor

  • All this seeing.All this relentless taking in. – Lance Olsen

    All this seeing.All this relentless taking in.– Lance Olsen

  • Why do I feel like my heart is ripping in thousands of pieces, taking with it every shred of soul that I still have? – Eva Scoutt

    Why do I feel like my heart is ripping in thousands of pieces, taking with it every shred of soul that I still have?– Eva Scoutt

  • Resentment is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die. – Malachy McCourt

    Resentment is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die.– Malachy McCourt

  • Ask yourself if you’re taking the time to see beyond the surface. – Arthur P Ciaramicoli

    Ask yourself if you’re taking the time to see beyond the surface.– Arthur P Ciaramicoli