Top Tap Quotes

  • Then I’d go home, return to a pattern of worry, unable to tap the surrender core to travel’s inspiration. What was different? – Gina Greenlee

    Then I’d go home, return to a pattern of worry, unable to tap the surrender core to travel’s inspiration. What was different?– Gina Greenlee

  • Then I’d go home, return to a pattern of worry, unable to tap the surrender core to travel’s inspiration. What was different?– Gina Greenlee

  • A tank full of life and a running tap. – Saleem Sharma

    A tank full of life and a running tap.– Saleem Sharma

  • When you tap into the energy of possibility, there is always something greater than potential can give you. – Gary M Douglas

    When you tap into the energy of possibility, there is always something greater than potential can give you.– Gary M Douglas

  • Prayer enables you to tap into God’s wisdom anywhere, anytime, no matter what’s going on. – Elizabeth George

    Prayer enables you to tap into God’s wisdom anywhere, anytime, no matter what’s going on.– Elizabeth George

  • Prayer allows you to tap into God’s wisdom anywhere, anytime, no matter what’s going on. – Elizabeth George

    Prayer allows you to tap into God’s wisdom anywhere, anytime, no matter what’s going on.– Elizabeth George

  • To this day she could make tap water boil just by kissing him. – Sarah Addison Allen

    To this day she could make tap water boil just by kissing him.– Sarah Addison Allen

  • Find the alignment between your gifts, skills, experiences and people’s needs. Therein is your secret to tap into the unknown – Adedayo Olabamiji

    Find the alignment between your gifts, skills, experiences and people’s needs. Therein is your secret to tap into the unknown– Adedayo Olabamiji

  • Reach out for, then embrace your heart consciousness, tap into The Power of The Heart. – Steven Redhead

    Reach out for, then embrace your heart consciousness, tap into The Power of The Heart.– Steven Redhead

  • You tap in to this oneness and become part of the universe as a whole. – Stephen Richards

    You tap in to this oneness and become part of the universe as a whole.– Stephen Richards