Top Tells Quotes
What is addiction, really? It is a sign, a signal, a symptom of distress. It is a language that tells us about a plight that must be understood.– Alice Miller
Dating from the place of internal emotional safety tells your being that you will care for it well.– Amy Leigh Mercree
Who in the universe halts when the enemy tells them to?– Sherwood Smith
It’s the ????erflies in our bellies, and the lightening in our eyes that tells me this all makes so much ????ing sense.– LeAnne Mechelle
I haven’t always been a patient man…but something tells me you’d be worth the wait.– Sam Langley
If dat ghost have money, I tells him never to haunt you less’n he wants to lose it!– Eugene ONeill
Mankind, as history tells us over and over again, seeks the least painful solution and, as a result, ends up exchanging one problem foranother– Gyan Nagpal