Top Terrifying Quotes

  • There is nothing more terrifying than a devious person who takes delight in their own mischief – Taja Zenna

    There is nothing more terrifying than a devious person who takes delight in their own mischief– Taja Zenna

  • The future is terrifying because it’s full of stuff, not because it’s empty. – Alexis  Hall

    The future is terrifying because it’s full of stuff, not because it’s empty.– Alexis Hall

  • Her mother was by turns tender and pathetic and terrifying, broken in a way that no one, in that time or place, had any idea how to fix. – Karen Abbott

    Her mother was by turns tender and pathetic and terrifying, broken in a way that no one, in that time or place, had any idea how to fix.– Karen Abbott

  • It’s exciting to work with the kids so devoid of irony, so unguarded. And also terrifying. – Ron Suskind

    It’s exciting to work with the kids so devoid of irony, so unguarded. And also terrifying.– Ron Suskind

  • The PM glanced a look of pure malevolence. A terrifying glimpse into what madness, ego and naked ambition it takes to lead a modern democracy. – Alan Dean

    The PM glanced a look of pure malevolence. A terrifying glimpse into what madness, ego and naked ambition it takes to lead a modern democracy.– Alan Dean

  • Don’t let the zealots make Muslim a terrifying  – Salman Rushdie

    Don’t let the zealots make Muslim a terrifying – Salman Rushdie

  • It’s terrifying to think you could become the next statistic. – DaShanne Stokes

    It’s terrifying to think you could become the next statistic.– DaShanne Stokes

  • What is more terrifying– the things we imagine or the things that are real? – Suzanne Selfors

    What is more terrifying– the things we imagine or the things that are real?– Suzanne Selfors

  • The most terrifying part was that the evil dwelling in those eyes could’ve gone unnoticed by many. – Sidney Knight

    The most terrifying part was that the evil dwelling in those eyes could’ve gone unnoticed by many.– Sidney Knight

  • There is a point when facing the unknown stops being a longed-for adventure and becomes a terrifying reality. – Storm Constantine

    There is a point when facing the unknown stops being a longed-for adventure and becomes a terrifying reality.– Storm Constantine