Top Tested Quotes

  • Challenges come our way when we least expect them; our insecurities, desires, balance, & conscience are tested in the process. – April Mae Monterrosa

    Challenges come our way when we least expect them; our insecurities, desires, balance, & conscience are tested in the process.– April Mae Monterrosa

  • Most principles are limp until they are tested. – Richard Brookhiser

    Most principles are limp until they are tested.– Richard Brookhiser

  • True love is tested when betrayed. – Toba Beta

    True love is tested when betrayed.– Toba Beta

  • Falling in love is a subtle process, a connection sparked by attraction, tested by compatibility, and forged by memory. – Jay Bell

    Falling in love is a subtle process, a connection sparked by attraction, tested by compatibility, and forged by memory.– Jay Bell

  • Most of didn’t know how truly good or truly bad we were, and most of us would never be sufficiently tested to find out. – Rachel Cusk

    Most of didn’t know how truly good or truly bad we were, and most of us would never be sufficiently tested to find out.– Rachel Cusk

  • A journey, I reflected, is of no merit unless it has tested you. – Tahir Shah

    A journey, I reflected, is of no merit unless it has tested you.– Tahir Shah

  • If one abandons their principles when tested by struggle, they were never true principles but advertisements for character they never possessed. – Tiffany Madison

    If one abandons their principles when tested by struggle, they were never true principles but advertisements for character they never possessed.– Tiffany Madison

  • So many commands in the Bible require obedience without us experiencing any conviction to obey them. That is when our faith is truly tested. – Alan de Jager

    So many commands in the Bible require obedience without us experiencing any conviction to obey them. That is when our faith is truly tested.– Alan de Jager

  • Remember that any desire is tested; the greater the desire, the greater the tests. – Bryant McGill

    Remember that any desire is tested; the greater the desire, the greater the tests.– Bryant McGill

  • Every man at some point in his life needs to be tested so he can find out if he’s a righteous man or an indifferent one. – Dannika Dark

    Every man at some point in his life needs to be tested so he can find out if he’s a righteous man or an indifferent one.– Dannika Dark