Top Tested Quotes

  • Your courage will be tested during the adversity as well as during the change. – Amit Kalantri

    Your courage will be tested during the adversity as well as during the change.– Amit Kalantri

  • You can’t really know what you are made of until you are tested. – OR Melling

    You can’t really know what you are made of until you are tested.– OR Melling

  • Gold authenticity can only be tested under maximum fire. The same holds true with regard to manhood. – Moutasem Algharati

    Gold authenticity can only be tested under maximum fire. The same holds true with regard to manhood.– Moutasem Algharati

  • Become ‘tested’ in such a way that not a single word in this world can shake you up. – Dada Bhagwan

    Become ‘tested’ in such a way that not a single word in this world can shake you up.– Dada Bhagwan

  • Whenever I feel as if my faith is being tested, give me the grace to see you moving in my life to strengthen my relationship with you. – Amy E Mason

    Whenever I feel as if my faith is being tested, give me the grace to see you moving in my life to strengthen my relationship with you.– Amy E Mason

  • Ugly ducklings often turn into beautiful swans when they are tested. – Sudha Murty

    Ugly ducklings often turn into beautiful swans when they are tested.– Sudha Murty

  • Before you’re given what you want, you’ll first be tested with what you don’t really want. – Constance Friday

    Before you’re given what you want, you’ll first be tested with what you don’t really want.– Constance Friday

  • Your relationship with God is tested by your relationship with His people – Sunday Adelaja

    Your relationship with God is tested by your relationship with His people– Sunday Adelaja

  • Everything you are sure of will be tested. – Karishma Magvani

    Everything you are sure of will be tested.– Karishma Magvani