Top Theme Quotes

  • The central theme of the book is that prayer is best understood as a long, sometimes perilous, epic journey that eventually leads to triumph. – Gerald L Sittser

    The central theme of the book is that prayer is best understood as a long, sometimes perilous, epic journey that eventually leads to triumph.– Gerald L Sittser

  • The irony was not lost on any of us that despite the theme there was a robot on the throne. – Kathryn Davis

    The irony was not lost on any of us that despite the theme there was a robot on the throne.– Kathryn Davis

  • The irony was not lost on any of us that despite the theme there was a robot on the throne.– Kathryn Davis

  • The common theme here was contempt: a poisonous disregard for human life. For Vladimir Putin’s critics have an uncanny habit of turning up dead. – Luke Harding

    The common theme here was contempt: a poisonous disregard for human life. For Vladimir Putin’s critics have an uncanny habit of turning up dead.– Luke Harding

  • the overall theme of theology can be twofold: the search for meaning and the responsibility one has to the others. – Namsoon Kang

    the overall theme of theology can be twofold: the search for meaning and the responsibility one has to the others.– Namsoon Kang

  • The teaching of Jesus Christ has as its central theme unfoldment towards a realization of immortality. – Hazrat Inayat Khan

    The teaching of Jesus Christ has as its central theme unfoldment towards a realization of immortality.– Hazrat Inayat Khan

  • From the deepest silence between us arose uncertain, utterly vague and, as it were, whispered varieties on the theme -˜smile’. – Nicola Lecca

    From the deepest silence between us arose uncertain, utterly vague and, as it were, whispered varieties on the theme -˜smile’.– Nicola Lecca

  • Stories are a kind of theme park of mortality. Deadnyland. – James W Blinn

    Stories are a kind of theme park of mortality. Deadnyland.– James W Blinn

  • No sin is original, no matter what the bright young things may hope. We’re all merely playing to a theme. – Lauren Willig

    No sin is original, no matter what the bright young things may hope. We’re all merely playing to a theme.– Lauren Willig

  • The uniqueness of every soul is not a theme that our current culture, obsessed with group identities, cares to assert. – Dean Koontz

    The uniqueness of every soul is not a theme that our current culture, obsessed with group identities, cares to assert.– Dean Koontz