Top Thunderstorms Quotes

  • When thunderstorms roll in, you make a choice to either succumb with tears to the gloomy downpour, or smile and look for rainbows. – Richelle E Goodrich

    When thunderstorms roll in, you make a choice to either succumb with tears to the gloomy downpour, or smile and look for rainbows.– Richelle E Goodrich

  • He was the sort of person who stood on mountaintops during thunderstorms in wet copper armour shouting ‘All the Gods are bastards. – Terry Pratchett

    He was the sort of person who stood on mountaintops during thunderstorms in wet copper armour shouting ‘All the Gods are bastards.– Terry Pratchett

  • Thunderstorms are as much our friends as the sunshine. – Criss Jami

    Thunderstorms are as much our friends as the sunshine.– Criss Jami