Top Timebut Quotes

  • We relegate God to our spare time-”but end up never having any spare time! Jesus said, -œSeek first his kingdom- [Matthew 6:33 NIV]. – Billy Graham

    We relegate God to our spare time-”but end up never having any spare time! Jesus said, -œSeek first his kingdom- [Matthew 6:33 NIV].– Billy Graham

  • I wish I could fly.I wish I were rich.I wish I had more time.--œBut you can, and you are, and you do; I wish you would open your eyes. – Richelle E Goodrich

    I wish I could fly.I wish I were rich.I wish I had more time.--œBut you can, and you are, and you do; I wish you would open your eyes.– Richelle E Goodrich

  • Live every day,not by spending time,but by investing all the way. – Debasish Mridha

    Live every day,not by spending time,but by investing all the way.– Debasish Mridha