Top Times Quotes
Shame was an emotion he had abandoned years earlier. Addicts know no shame. You disgrace yourself so many times you become immune to it.– John Grisham
There are times in life when people must know when not to let go. Balloons are designed to teach small children this.– Terry Pratchett
There are times you wake up in the middle of the night, fingers hit the keyboard and you allow words to flow. That is a writer.– Jenn E
…I understand that at times, life takes us in different directions than we planned.– Nichole Chase
Cats may walk by themselves, but there are times when they need our support.– Nicholas Dodman
Lord Chi Wen thought three times before taking any action. When the Master heard this, he said: Twice is plenty enough.– Confucius
I have a suspicion that when first built, Stonehenge may have glowed blue with St. Elmo’s fire during certain times of the year– Steven Magee
There are times i hate you cause i cant erase the times you hurt me and put tears on my face– Beyonc Knowles
But with your life you make a few bad decisions, get unlucky a few times, whatever, but you have to keep going, right?– Cecelia Ahern