Top Tolerance Quotes

  • If we are to be truly free, that freedom will come through cooperation and tolerance with one another. – AJ Darkholme

    If we are to be truly free, that freedom will come through cooperation and tolerance with one another.– AJ Darkholme

  • You can see I have no will to stay away from you, no tolerance to live without you. – Amanda Lance

    You can see I have no will to stay away from you, no tolerance to live without you.– Amanda Lance

  • [First line]-œThe business of murder took time, patience, skill, and a tolerance for the monotonous. – JD Robb

    [First line]-œThe business of murder took time, patience, skill, and a tolerance for the monotonous.– JD Robb

  • The path of imperfection is the loving way to learn tolerance and happiness. – Ivan FigueroaOtero

    The path of imperfection is the loving way to learn tolerance and happiness.– Ivan FigueroaOtero

  • Tolerance of intolerance enables oppression. – DaShanne Stokes

    Tolerance of intolerance enables oppression.– DaShanne Stokes

  • Tolerance is not a Christian value. Charity, justice, mercy, prudence, honesty–these are Christian values. – Charles J Chaput

    Tolerance is not a Christian value. Charity, justice, mercy, prudence, honesty–these are Christian values.– Charles J Chaput

  • Tolerance is not infinite patience, but slain patience; patience that has lost its hope and love and has thrown in the towel. – Criss Jami

    Tolerance is not infinite patience, but slain patience; patience that has lost its hope and love and has thrown in the towel.– Criss Jami

  • England’s traditional tolerance was outraged at last. – Barbara W Tuchman

    England’s traditional tolerance was outraged at last.– Barbara W Tuchman

  • Tolerance is nothing more than patience with boundaries. – Shannon L Alder

    Tolerance is nothing more than patience with boundaries.– Shannon L Alder

  • …am so deeply impressed with the fair mindedness and tolerance of the American people… – Virchand Gandhi

    …am so deeply impressed with the fair mindedness and tolerance of the American people…– Virchand Gandhi