Top Tomb Quotes

  • The heavy smell of incense gave me an uneasy feeling as if I had walked into a tomb – Nancy B Brewer

    The heavy smell of incense gave me an uneasy feeling as if I had walked into a tomb– Nancy B Brewer

  • Without love, our earth is a tomb – Robert Browning

    Without love, our earth is a tomb– Robert Browning

  • But first on earth as vampire sentThy corpse shall from its tomb be rentThen gastly haunt thy native placeAnd suck the blood of all thy race – George Gordon Byron

    But first on earth as vampire sentThy corpse shall from its tomb be rentThen gastly haunt thy native placeAnd suck the blood of all thy race– George Gordon Byron

  • Jesus’ tomb wasn’t His grave, but our door. – Patricia Raybon

    Jesus’ tomb wasn’t His grave, but our door.– Patricia Raybon

  • Before an empty tomb, we will come to know that Christ our Lord has burst the bands of death and stands forever triumphant over the grave. – Bruce R McConkie

    Before an empty tomb, we will come to know that Christ our Lord has burst the bands of death and stands forever triumphant over the grave.– Bruce R McConkie

  • But of these things I must not now speak. I will tell only of the lone tomb in the darkest of the hillside thickets. – HP Lovecraft

    But of these things I must not now speak. I will tell only of the lone tomb in the darkest of the hillside thickets.– HP Lovecraft

  • Tongue and hand tied, I was equally cut off and trapped in my own silent dark tomb. – Jazz Feylynn

    Tongue and hand tied, I was equally cut off and trapped in my own silent dark tomb.– Jazz Feylynn

  • How alone everyone is in the vast tomb of the universe! – Jean Paul Friedrich Richter

    How alone everyone is in the vast tomb of the universe!– Jean Paul Friedrich Richter

  • Who would have listened to his tales of woe when his love was the flickering lamp over his own decaying tomb? – Faraaz Kazi

    Who would have listened to his tales of woe when his love was the flickering lamp over his own decaying tomb?– Faraaz Kazi

  • …new life starts in the dark. Whether it is a seed in the ground, a baby in the womb, or Jesus in the tomb, it starts in the dark. – Barbara Brown Taylor

    …new life starts in the dark. Whether it is a seed in the ground, a baby in the womb, or Jesus in the tomb, it starts in the dark.– Barbara Brown Taylor