Top Trophies Quotes

  • You can’t fix who you are on your own, but God is in the business of transforming broken girls into beautiful trophies of His grace. – Paula Hendricks

    You can’t fix who you are on your own, but God is in the business of transforming broken girls into beautiful trophies of His grace.– Paula Hendricks

  • My words shouldn’t be trophies to look at, but seeds to continue the cycle of Life. – Amy Layne Litzelman

    My words shouldn’t be trophies to look at, but seeds to continue the cycle of Life.– Amy Layne Litzelman

  • Don’t complain of terrible circumstances. It has been proven several times that they are the sources of celebrated trophies. – Israelmore Ayivor

    Don’t complain of terrible circumstances. It has been proven several times that they are the sources of celebrated trophies.– Israelmore Ayivor