Top Trusting Quotes

  • Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero.(Pluck the day [for it is ripe], trusting as little as possible in tomorrow.) – Horace

    Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero.(Pluck the day [for it is ripe], trusting as little as possible in tomorrow.)– Horace

  • Trusting fate is like gambling on an unknown outcome with unknown consequences. – Steven Redhead

    Trusting fate is like gambling on an unknown outcome with unknown consequences.– Steven Redhead

  • The way to conquer sin is not by working hard to change our deeds, but by trusting Jesus to change our desires. Follow Me, pg. 111. – David Platt

    The way to conquer sin is not by working hard to change our deeds, but by trusting Jesus to change our desires. Follow Me, pg. 111.– David Platt

  • Don’t let the acids of bitterness eat away inside. Learn the secret of trusting Christ in every circumstance. – Billy Graham

    Don’t let the acids of bitterness eat away inside. Learn the secret of trusting Christ in every circumstance.– Billy Graham

  • I have a hard time trusting a person without a couple of murders on his record, Mr. Draedax. – Henry Mosquera

    I have a hard time trusting a person without a couple of murders on his record, Mr. Draedax.– Henry Mosquera

  • The greater the volume of thoughts you have to work with, the better the context you can create for developing options and trusting your choices. – David    Allen

    The greater the volume of thoughts you have to work with, the better the context you can create for developing options and trusting your choices.– David Allen

  • Faith is trusting yourself to believe in uncertainties. – Debasish Mridha MD

    Faith is trusting yourself to believe in uncertainties.– Debasish Mridha MD

  • Faith is trusting, that no matter what plan you had, God has a better one. – Chris Burkmenn

    Faith is trusting, that no matter what plan you had, God has a better one.– Chris Burkmenn

  • You want to prove you never stopped loving me?- She got up and stared down at me. -œStart by trusting me with the truth. – Lisa Kessler

    You want to prove you never stopped loving me?- She got up and stared down at me. -œStart by trusting me with the truth.– Lisa Kessler

  • None should say : ‘I can trust,’ or ‘I cannot trust’ until he is a master of the option, of trusting or not trusting. – Idries Shah

    None should say : ‘I can trust,’ or ‘I cannot trust’ until he is a master of the option, of trusting or not trusting.– Idries Shah