Top Unbeliever Quotes

  • The simplistic ideas in which the unbeliever ends up believing are his punishment. – Nicols Gmez

    The simplistic ideas in which the unbeliever ends up believing are his punishment.– Nicols Gmez

  • The day I charge an unbeliever like you for the word of God will be the day I’m struck dead by lightning, and with good reason. – Carlos Ruiz Zafn

    The day I charge an unbeliever like you for the word of God will be the day I’m struck dead by lightning, and with good reason.– Carlos Ruiz Zafn

  • You call me an unbeliever. I shall therefore call you a True Believer since a lie is best met with one of similar magnitude. – Idries Shah

    You call me an unbeliever. I shall therefore call you a True Believer since a lie is best met with one of similar magnitude.– Idries Shah