Top Urgent Quotes

  • I had fought on behalf of man against the sea, but I realised that it had become more urgent to fight on behalf of the sea against men. – Alain Bombard

    I had fought on behalf of man against the sea, but I realised that it had become more urgent to fight on behalf of the sea against men.– Alain Bombard

  • I had fought on behalf of man against the sea, but I realised that it had become more urgent to fight on behalf of the sea against men.– Alain Bombard

  • A moral dilemma can be large or small, important or inconsequential, urgent or secondary. One thing is certain: moral dilemmas are ever present. – Michael J Marx

    A moral dilemma can be large or small, important or inconsequential, urgent or secondary. One thing is certain: moral dilemmas are ever present.– Michael J Marx

  • I pretended I had urgent business at the prosecutor’s table which, in one of The System’s obvious tells, was always millimeters from the jury box. – Sergio de la Pava

    I pretended I had urgent business at the prosecutor’s table which, in one of The System’s obvious tells, was always millimeters from the jury box.– Sergio de la Pava

  • The release of atomic energy has not created a new problem. It has merely made more urgent the necessity of solving an existing one. – Albert Einstein

    The release of atomic energy has not created a new problem. It has merely made more urgent the necessity of solving an existing one.– Albert Einstein

  • If people respect your age and not your personality, then it’s time for you to do some urgent introspection. – Amit Kalantri

    If people respect your age and not your personality, then it’s time for you to do some urgent introspection.– Amit Kalantri

  • Revelation is a pastor’s letter to his floundering flock, an urgent telegram bearing a brilliant battle plan for a people at war. – Billy Graham

    Revelation is a pastor’s letter to his floundering flock, an urgent telegram bearing a brilliant battle plan for a people at war.– Billy Graham

  • You must create more margin so you have room for what’s important, not merely urgent. – Michael Hyatt

    You must create more margin so you have room for what’s important, not merely urgent.– Michael Hyatt

  • If it isn’t urgent, worry about it later – Albert Einstein

    If it isn’t urgent, worry about it later– Albert Einstein

  • Prioritize activities under the captions -œimportant- and -œurgent-. Do the urgent things first and the important things later. – Israelmore Ayivor

    Prioritize activities under the captions -œimportant- and -œurgent-. Do the urgent things first and the important things later.– Israelmore Ayivor