Top Usage Quotes

  • A moral judgment of abortion is the usage of a man-made ideology to judge a man-made technology. – Mokokoma Mokhonoana

    A moral judgment of abortion is the usage of a man-made ideology to judge a man-made technology.– Mokokoma Mokhonoana

  • In any relationship, frequent usage of two words is very important. They can change the course of destiny. These words are -“ Thank You, and Sorry. – Girdhar Joshi

    In any relationship, frequent usage of two words is very important. They can change the course of destiny. These words are -“ Thank You, and Sorry.– Girdhar Joshi

  • Dear family,I am drafting a new laundry protocol for better and more considerate usage of the washing machine – Koh Choon Hwee

    Dear family,I am drafting a new laundry protocol for better and more considerate usage of the washing machine– Koh Choon Hwee

  • Wisdom is the usage of Knowledge in a correct way. – Manikanta Belde

    Wisdom is the usage of Knowledge in a correct way.– Manikanta Belde

  • Ill usage makes the sweetest of us vicious. – Winston Graham

    Ill usage makes the sweetest of us vicious.– Winston Graham

  • Brass shines with constant usage, a beautiful dress needs wearing,Leave a house empty, it rots. – Ovid

    Brass shines with constant usage, a beautiful dress needs wearing,Leave a house empty, it rots.– Ovid