Top Ution Quotes

  • Writing is a little bit like ???????ution. First you do it for love. Then you do it for a few friends. Then you do it for money. – Molire

    Writing is a little bit like ???????ution. First you do it for love. Then you do it for a few friends. Then you do it for money.– Molire

  • Academia is to knowledge what ???????ution is to love; close enough on the surface but, to the nonsucker, not exactly the same thing – Nassim Nicholas Taleb

    Academia is to knowledge what ???????ution is to love; close enough on the surface but, to the nonsucker, not exactly the same thing– Nassim Nicholas Taleb

  • A covenant differs from a contract almost as much as marriage differs from ???????ution. – Scott Hahn

    A covenant differs from a contract almost as much as marriage differs from ???????ution.– Scott Hahn

  • To labor in the arts for any reason other than love is ???????ution. – Steven Pressfield

    To labor in the arts for any reason other than love is ???????ution.– Steven Pressfield

  • ???????ution is not a profession, it is the result of sexism and gender oppression. – Nocturnus Libertus

    ???????ution is not a profession, it is the result of sexism and gender oppression.– Nocturnus Libertus

  • To a man who was required to marry before he was allowed to have sex with his lover, marriage is a -˜righteous’ form of ???????ution. – Mokokoma Mokhonoana

    To a man who was required to marry before he was allowed to have sex with his lover, marriage is a -˜righteous’ form of ???????ution.– Mokokoma Mokhonoana

  • ???????ution has the same relationship to trafficking as sex has to rape. One is voluntary, the other is not – Merlyn Gabriel Miller

    ???????ution has the same relationship to trafficking as sex has to rape. One is voluntary, the other is not– Merlyn Gabriel Miller

  • Power is like ???????ution and it could have pleasure for a while but it has to go to another man – Zaman Ali

    Power is like ???????ution and it could have pleasure for a while but it has to go to another man– Zaman Ali

  • *???????ution* is a euphemism for rape incidents that the victim and the economy profits from. – Mokokoma Mokhonoana

    *???????ution* is a euphemism for rape incidents that the victim and the economy profits from.– Mokokoma Mokhonoana

  • To the moralist ???????ution does not consist so much in the fact that the woman sells her body, but rather that she sells it out of wedlock. – Emma Goldman

    To the moralist ???????ution does not consist so much in the fact that the woman sells her body, but rather that she sells it out of wedlock.– Emma Goldman