Top Variety Quotes

  • …if He has a message to get across to us, He will continually reaffirm what He has said through a variety of ways. – Tracie Miles

    …if He has a message to get across to us, He will continually reaffirm what He has said through a variety of ways.– Tracie Miles

  • The beauty of the universe consists not only of unity in variety, but also of variety in unity. – Umberto Eco

    The beauty of the universe consists not only of unity in variety, but also of variety in unity.– Umberto Eco

  • Indeed, bribery, favoritism, and corruption in a great variety of forms were rampant not only in politics, but in all levels of society. – David McCullough

    Indeed, bribery, favoritism, and corruption in a great variety of forms were rampant not only in politics, but in all levels of society.– David McCullough

  • People are like M&Ms. They come in a variety of colors, they’re hard on the outside, and full of obscene yumminess on the inside. – Michael Makai

    People are like M&Ms. They come in a variety of colors, they’re hard on the outside, and full of obscene yumminess on the inside.– Michael Makai

  • Books, in all their variety, offer the human intellect the means whereby civilization may be carried triumphantly forward. – Winston S Churchill

    Books, in all their variety, offer the human intellect the means whereby civilization may be carried triumphantly forward.– Winston S Churchill