Top Verbs Quotes

  • The Psalms wrap nouns and verbs around our pain better than any other book. – Joni Eareckson Tada

    The Psalms wrap nouns and verbs around our pain better than any other book.– Joni Eareckson Tada

  • Wow, I miss Latin. So much fun – all those exciting verbs that don’t come unit the end of the sentence. It’s like a movie trailer for language. – Libba Bray

    Wow, I miss Latin. So much fun – all those exciting verbs that don’t come unit the end of the sentence. It’s like a movie trailer for language.– Libba Bray

  • As a writer: Aim toward becoming keen through a looking glass limn perspective on evoking pleasure of the senses with STRONG VERBS. – JT Sanz

    As a writer: Aim toward becoming keen through a looking glass limn perspective on evoking pleasure of the senses with STRONG VERBS.– JT Sanz

  • Write like you speak with the ‘rhythms of human speech,’ as William Zinsser said, and in as few words as possible. Use action verbs to carry water. – Sandra E Lamb

    Write like you speak with the ‘rhythms of human speech,’ as William Zinsser said, and in as few words as possible. Use action verbs to carry water.– Sandra E Lamb

  • Someone will complete you some day and that day will never be late. Those nouns and verbs are above wonderful and never ending . – Bikash Bhandari

    Someone will complete you some day and that day will never be late. Those nouns and verbs are above wonderful and never ending .– Bikash Bhandari