Top Vocabulary Quotes

  • This year my goal will be to learn new vocabulary in English and to read as much as possible books. – Deyth Banger

    This year my goal will be to learn new vocabulary in English and to read as much as possible books.– Deyth Banger

  • Compromise is a word found only in the vocabulary of those who have no will to fight. – Josemara Escriv

    Compromise is a word found only in the vocabulary of those who have no will to fight.– Josemara Escriv

  • His captivating speech came not from his grammar or vocabulary but from the joy he took in wielding them well. – Robert Lane Greene

    His captivating speech came not from his grammar or vocabulary but from the joy he took in wielding them well.– Robert Lane Greene

  • Normal is not a part of my vocabulary. I am an artist after all. – Paul S Lynch

    Normal is not a part of my vocabulary. I am an artist after all.– Paul S Lynch

  • Normal, average and ordinary are not a part of my vocabulary. I am an artist after all! – Paul S Lynch

    Normal, average and ordinary are not a part of my vocabulary. I am an artist after all!– Paul S Lynch

  • Normal, average and ordinary are not a part of my vocabulary. I am an artist after all! – Paul S Lynch

    Normal, average and ordinary are not a part of my vocabulary. I am an artist after all!– Paul S Lynch

  • Normal, average and ordinary are not a part of my vocabulary. I am an artist after all! – Paul S Lynch

    Normal, average and ordinary are not a part of my vocabulary. I am an artist after all!– Paul S Lynch

  • Normal, average and ordinary are not a part of my vocabulary. I am an artist after all! – Paul S Lynch

    Normal, average and ordinary are not a part of my vocabulary. I am an artist after all!– Paul S Lynch

  • Sacrifice is a noun in my vocabulary that should be a verb in my life. – Craig D Lounsbrough

    Sacrifice is a noun in my vocabulary that should be a verb in my life.– Craig D Lounsbrough

  • When Internet parlance finds its way into our accepted vocabulary, it becomes a cliché. – Paul Babicki

    When Internet parlance finds its way into our accepted vocabulary, it becomes a clich̩.РPaul Babicki