Top Volcano Quotes

  • Into the Volcano (Wood 2008) holds out the promise of – Teri S Lesesne

    Into the Volcano (Wood 2008) holds out the promise of– Teri S Lesesne

  • Basically, dating is like climbing a volcano and you never know when it’s going to erupt, dumping molten lava and burning you – Robin Bielman

    Basically, dating is like climbing a volcano and you never know when it’s going to erupt, dumping molten lava and burning you– Robin Bielman

  • You should be happy because I was certain (predictable) with u, rest of the world named me VOLCANO. – Balkrishn Sanmotra

    You should be happy because I was certain (predictable) with u, rest of the world named me VOLCANO.– Balkrishn Sanmotra

  • Basically, dating is like climbing a volcano and you never know when it’s going to erupt, dumping molten lava and burning you – Robin Bielman

    Basically, dating is like climbing a volcano and you never know when it’s going to erupt, dumping molten lava and burning you– Robin Bielman

  • Poetry happens when there is nothing to say but you have a volcano hidden inside you waiting to erupt. – Debasish Mridha

    Poetry happens when there is nothing to say but you have a volcano hidden inside you waiting to erupt.– Debasish Mridha

  • Setting the remains of a freshly erupted volcano, I walk. – Parul Wadhwa

    Setting the remains of a freshly erupted volcano, I walk.– Parul Wadhwa

  • If your heart is a volcano, how shall you expect flowers to bloom? – Kahlil Gibran

    If your heart is a volcano, how shall you expect flowers to bloom?– Kahlil Gibran

  • We are like travelers using the cinders of a volcano to roast their eggs. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

    We are like travelers using the cinders of a volcano to roast their eggs.– Ralph Waldo Emerson

  • He was always acting, always enveloping himself in artificiality, perhaps to conceal the volcano within. – Barbara W Tuchman

    He was always acting, always enveloping himself in artificiality, perhaps to conceal the volcano within.– Barbara W Tuchman

  • For friendship I have nobody else except the volcano. – Tanmaya Guru

    For friendship I have nobody else except the volcano.– Tanmaya Guru