Top Vs Quotes

  • When it comes to love triangles and duels to the death, you should always cheat. – Fairy Werewolf vs. Zombie Vampire – Charlie Jane Anders

    When it comes to love triangles and duels to the death, you should always cheat. – Fairy Werewolf vs. Zombie Vampire– Charlie Jane Anders

  • Is there chance to see Robot Vs Robot fight? – Deyth Banger

    Is there chance to see Robot Vs Robot fight?– Deyth Banger

  • Is there chance to see Robot Vs Robot fight?– Deyth Banger

  • Get your story written, you always have the second and third draft to fix things like tense, 1st vs 3rd person, the exact right word, etc. – Andromeda Edison

    Get your story written, you always have the second and third draft to fix things like tense, 1st vs 3rd person, the exact right word, etc.– Andromeda Edison

  • I have witnessed how the power of listening, storytelling and embracing gray areas breaks through the rigid ‘us vs. them. – Aspen Baker

    I have witnessed how the power of listening, storytelling and embracing gray areas breaks through the rigid ‘us vs. them.– Aspen Baker

  • This [egalitarianism vs complementarianism] is not an issue of chauvinism or discrimination. It is an issue of Biblical interpretation. – Alan de Jager

    This [egalitarianism vs complementarianism] is not an issue of chauvinism or discrimination. It is an issue of Biblical interpretation.– Alan de Jager

  • Never look at an opportunity at face value & pass it on that basis. Examine the income vs. the profit vs. expenses then make your decision. – Ziad K Abdelnour

    Never look at an opportunity at face value & pass it on that basis. Examine the income vs. the profit vs. expenses then make your decision.– Ziad K Abdelnour

  • When making the problem go away is more important than solving the problem leadership begins to fail. The easy way vs. The character way. – William James Moore

    When making the problem go away is more important than solving the problem leadership begins to fail. The easy way vs. The character way.– William James Moore

  • Preaching vs Teaching:The difference between preaching and teaching: one makes you feel good, the other makes you grow. – TF Hodge

    Preaching vs Teaching:The difference between preaching and teaching: one makes you feel good, the other makes you grow.– TF Hodge

  • The difference between companies that make $100,000 vs those that make $1bn dollars within the same industry is paying attention to detail. – Lovemore Chirombo

    The difference between companies that make $100,000 vs those that make $1bn dollars within the same industry is paying attention to detail.– Lovemore Chirombo