Top Weariness Quotes

  • The cancer set into her bones and whittled her down to nothing. The weariness of the world and the weight in her heart laid her to rest in January. – Rachel Autumn Deering

    The cancer set into her bones and whittled her down to nothing. The weariness of the world and the weight in her heart laid her to rest in January.– Rachel Autumn Deering

  • Patience includes perseverance-”the ability to bear up under weariness, strain, and persecution when doing the work of the Lord. – Billy Graham

    Patience includes perseverance-”the ability to bear up under weariness, strain, and persecution when doing the work of the Lord.– Billy Graham

  • Familiarity, globalisation, cheap travel, mere weariness had diluted our sense of foreign-ness. – David Nicholls

    Familiarity, globalisation, cheap travel, mere weariness had diluted our sense of foreign-ness.– David Nicholls

  • Familiarity, globalisation, cheap travel, mere weariness had diluted our sense of foreign-ness.– David Nicholls

  • Pain ebbs, And like cool balm, An opiate weariness Settles on eye-lids, on relaxed Pale wrists. – Adelaide Crapsey

    Pain ebbs, And like cool balm, An opiate weariness Settles on eye-lids, on relaxed Pale wrists.– Adelaide Crapsey

  • There comes a time for everybody when words and reasons can become such a great weariness. – Christopher Pike

    There comes a time for everybody when words and reasons can become such a great weariness.– Christopher Pike

  • Our labour preserves us from three great evils — weariness, vice, and want. – Voltaire

    Our labour preserves us from three great evils — weariness, vice, and want.– Voltaire

  • The greatest weariness comes from work not done. – Eric Hoffer

    The greatest weariness comes from work not done.– Eric Hoffer