Top Whisper Quotes

  • God, in his wisdom, sent us his angels, to whisper our names on the wind. God, in his anger, released his devils, to pester our souls to the end. – Sam Cheever

    God, in his wisdom, sent us his angels, to whisper our names on the wind. God, in his anger, released his devils, to pester our souls to the end.– Sam Cheever

  • That line between love and lust was thin as a whisper. – Julia Karr

    That line between love and lust was thin as a whisper.– Julia Karr

  • Come over here and taste me,- he says, his voice little but a seductive whisper. – Felicity Brandon

    Come over here and taste me,- he says, his voice little but a seductive whisper.– Felicity Brandon

  • Come over here and taste me,- he says, his voice little but a seductive whisper.– Felicity Brandon

  • Let this moment whisper through eternity. Let it fill my every dream and visit me each night. – Rachel L Demeter

    Let this moment whisper through eternity. Let it fill my every dream and visit me each night.– Rachel L Demeter

  • Indulge me this once, Meg. Her name was a whisper on his lips. Soft. Seductive. Meanwhile his eyes gleamed mischievously, daring her to say yes. – Anna  Bennett

    Indulge me this once, Meg. Her name was a whisper on his lips. Soft. Seductive. Meanwhile his eyes gleamed mischievously, daring her to say yes.– Anna Bennett

  • To every whisper if you listen carefully, you will hear or fail to hear something. – Auliq Ice

    To every whisper if you listen carefully, you will hear or fail to hear something.– Auliq Ice

  • Listen to the silent whisper of your soul and then let your heart dance with song. – Debasish Mridha

    Listen to the silent whisper of your soul and then let your heart dance with song.– Debasish Mridha

  • …dusk is the time when men whisper of matters about which they remain silent in the full light of the sun. – Simon Raven

    …dusk is the time when men whisper of matters about which they remain silent in the full light of the sun.– Simon Raven

  • Christmas is a whisper of peace and a sigh of hope on the lips of love. – Richelle E Goodrich

    Christmas is a whisper of peace and a sigh of hope on the lips of love.– Richelle E Goodrich