Top Wink Quotes

  • I pronounce ye married, laird and lady. No’ ’til death will ye part. And now, Toran,- he added with a wink, -œye may kiss the bride. – Willa Blair

    I pronounce ye married, laird and lady. No’ ’til death will ye part. And now, Toran,- he added with a wink, -œye may kiss the bride.– Willa Blair

  • …yes, in the obscured sky a moon does float, newly, a wishing moon, a sliver of ancient rock, a goddess, a wink. – Margaret Atwood

    …yes, in the obscured sky a moon does float, newly, a wishing moon, a sliver of ancient rock, a goddess, a wink.– Margaret Atwood

  • Some like to sleep. Some like to read late into the night without catching a wink. In a world of dreamers, both are essential. – Amanda Joy Bruns

    Some like to sleep. Some like to read late into the night without catching a wink. In a world of dreamers, both are essential.– Amanda Joy Bruns

  • Can dimples wink? Because I felt like his just did. – Tia Giacalone

    Can dimples wink? Because I felt like his just did.– Tia Giacalone

  • Whatever you say, sweetheart.- He sent her a wink, a devilish one, the same one he no doubt used to sear the panties off his dates. – Jessica Lemmon

    Whatever you say, sweetheart.- He sent her a wink, a devilish one, the same one he no doubt used to sear the panties off his dates.– Jessica Lemmon

  • I want to lay under the blanket of sky and laugh while the stars wink and we write our story. – AD Posey

    I want to lay under the blanket of sky and laugh while the stars wink and we write our story.– AD Posey

  • As soon as you wink, you close your eyes to reality. – Ljupka Cvetanova

    As soon as you wink, you close your eyes to reality.– Ljupka Cvetanova

  • No one cared what St. Louis thought, although the city got a wink for pluck. – Erik Larson

    No one cared what St. Louis thought, although the city got a wink for pluck.– Erik Larson

  • With a slow wink, he set the book in Tamaqua’s hands. -œOne of my favorites. – CJ Milbrandt

    With a slow wink, he set the book in Tamaqua’s hands. -œOne of my favorites.– CJ Milbrandt

  • Cowards shrink from challenges, weaklings flee from them, and warriors wink at them. – Matshona Dhliwayo

    Cowards shrink from challenges, weaklings flee from them, and warriors wink at them.– Matshona Dhliwayo