Top Winners Quotes

  • Losers have goals. Winners have systems. – Scott Adams

    Losers have goals. Winners have systems.– Scott Adams

  • Winners have no interest or association in the opinions, actions or affairs of losers. – Jeffrey Fry

    Winners have no interest or association in the opinions, actions or affairs of losers.– Jeffrey Fry

  • Winners hate losing more than changing while others hate changing more than losing. – Orrin Woodward

    Winners hate losing more than changing while others hate changing more than losing.– Orrin Woodward

  • Winners are those who defeat defeat. – Vinita Kinra

    Winners are those who defeat defeat.– Vinita Kinra

  • God wants to accomplish the calling of winners, he wants us to establish His victory on earth – Sunday Adelaja

    God wants to accomplish the calling of winners, he wants us to establish His victory on earth– Sunday Adelaja

  • Real winners in a rapidly changing world will be those who are open to alternatives and able to respect and value those who are different. – Mary Catherine Bateson

    Real winners in a rapidly changing world will be those who are open to alternatives and able to respect and value those who are different.– Mary Catherine Bateson

  • Winners win losers make excuses. – Keith Lee Johnson

    Winners win losers make excuses.– Keith Lee Johnson

  • All verbal spats have silent winners. – Talees Rizvi

    All verbal spats have silent winners.– Talees Rizvi

  • Those who have learned to behave as winners always end up winners. – John Patrick Hickey

    Those who have learned to behave as winners always end up winners.– John Patrick Hickey

  • Success is deliberate! Excellence is intentional! Victory comes out of struggles… Winners win because they played a role… Get busy now! – Israelmore Ayivor

    Success is deliberate! Excellence is intentional! Victory comes out of struggles… Winners win because they played a role… Get busy now!– Israelmore Ayivor